
RobocopyisarobustfilecopyingprogrambuiltintoWindowssimilartoUNIXrsync.Itisamuchbettermethodofcopyinglargedatasetsorlotsoffiles ...,batfilefordifferenttypesofrobocopytasks,hereisoneexample.Thevariablesmakesiteasytochangethesourceanddestinationwithoutanyconfusion ...,2018年7月15日—ITriedCopyingSomeFileswithRobocopyandWorksfine.ButwhenIUsedthesamecommand,pastedittoanotepad,saveditasbatfilealso .....

Guide for using Robocopy

Robocopy is a robust file copying program built into Windows similar to UNIX rsync. It is a much better method of copying large datasets or lots of files ...

How to create a backup script using Robocopy

bat file for different types of robocopy tasks, here is one example. The variables makes it easy to change the source and destination with out any confusion ...

How to Run ROBOCOPY with Batch file?

2018年7月15日 — I Tried Copying Some Files with Robocopy and Works fine. But when I Used the same command, pasted it to a notepad, saved it as bat file also ...


2024年3月20日 — 指定要搭配robocopy 命令使用的選項,包括copy、file、retry、logging 和job 選項。 Copy 選項. 展開資料表. 選項, 描述 ...


2024年2月12日 — Specifies the options to use with the robocopy command, including copy, file, retry, logging, and job options. Copy options. Expand table ...


不太可能吧, log路徑請先改到d:-LOG (不要用中文目錄),不能跑也會有log才對.

What Is Robocopy?

Robocopy simplifies the process of copying files and directories, providing a range of powerful commands that enhance efficiency and accuracy in file management ...


參考以上連結後發現,原來ROBOCOPY指令為Windows Vista/7系統所內建,若電腦為Windows XP系統,無法直接使用。

Copy Changed Files - 異動檔案備份工具

Copy Changed Files - 異動檔案備份工具
